For the last year, I have read and researched about living a simple life. The idea of cutting out clutter, living a healthier lifestyle, and less stuff in general appeals greatly to me. I spent about a month last year going through each room in our house and getting rid of anything that hadn't been used in a year. In almost every room in my house at this point, I could pack it up in 5 boxes or less. (Moving 5 times in 10 years does that to someone!) As an officer our schedules are often crazy. We don't always have time to even "put our feet up" let alone do what it takes to live simple, because lets face it, it takes work! But I am tired of being lazy, I want to live intentionally. I want my kids to enjoy the beauty of this planet! I want my kids to live lives that are worthy of the Lord. I want to serve the Lord without distraction.
So here is my Simply Living Bucket List. Things that I want to do to cut down waste in my house, things that waste our time, or things that waste our bodies.
Healthy Living
Eating Natural foods, less processed (cereals, pastries, chips, etc.)
Buying Local
Plant our own Garden
Better Breakfasts
House Beautiful
Continue going through house (there are still closets and the kids rooms that need to be sorted)
Weekly cleanings
Green Living
Gift Giving
Handmade or buying local
Spiritual Living
Studying the Bible More (we just recently finished reading the Bible in a year together, and hope to incorporate another reading plan this year.)
Continue Devotions at the Dinner Table
No Distractions
Less TV/Computer time
Renewing our Mind
Reading both for education and pleasure
Replenishing Family Relationships
Family Nights (fishing, movie nights, etc.) These things don't cost much at all
Authentic Missional Ministry
Equipping our congregation move toward God and service to others.
Using Our resources wisely.
Decluttering storage rooms.
I am sure this will change from time to time. I know there will be months, like Christmas that will be harder than other times, but I truly believe that God is calling us as a family to be good stewards of what He has given us, and wants us to not be distracted by the world around us. I believe that this can definitely work as an officer, but I just have to live intentionally. Self-discipline and Self-control will play a big role in this.
Have any of you though about simple living and how it can work when we are leading a ministry.