That is what it feels like this week. I wasn't even here for half of the week, but it has been the hardest we have had in a while. Thankfully the kids have been great and they don't usually act up until Mommy gets home! The hubs called on Thursday to tell me he had to fill out a police report. Why you ask? Someone decided to steal the catalytic converters (who knew there were two?) off the bus. Thankfully, we still have the 15-passenger van to transport our congregation. However, it just adds to the financial burden that we all feel this time of year. We have had many sick in our congregation, family members not doing well, and my own dad has been admitted to the hospital for the 5th time in 2 months. All this in addition to the community meeting we had in our building last night. While 50 people were expected, over 250 came! They had many concerns about a Salvation Army Program that is looking to build in their community and it was a very long night. After driving 6 hours, and going straight into that meeting I was dog tired!!!! And we get to do it all over again today as we take our corps kids to camp for music rehearsals!

Do You Ever Feel Like That?
On the days that I just feel worn down, I try to keep this verse handy: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people" Galatioans 6:9-10 NIV
Keep fighting the fight! I know that when God is at work in our congregations and even in our lives, Satan works harder to keep the good from happening! Don't let him get you down! Don't Give Up!
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