Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Simply Living Update

A few months ago I posted about a more simple lifestyle.  I posed a question, could a Salvation Army Officer live a simple life?  Honestly, I'm still ironing out the details, but I do think it could and actually should happen.   Since posting I have done well in some of the areas, and not so well in others, but we are all works in progress right?  One thing I have noticed however is that the more I read about a simple/minimilist lifestyle, the more I want it.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that is where I am headed.  I believe whole heartedly as well that it will not just be in my personal and family life, but in my ministry as well.

So here is my Simply Living Bucket List and an update on how I am doing.

Healthy Living
Natural/Whole Foods/Unprocessed                Hoping to do better with this
Excercise                                                         Walking and Jogging
House Beautiful
Continue going through house                         In progress
Weekly cleanings                                             In progress

Green Living
Recycling                                                         Need to do better

Gift Giving
Handmade or buying local                              Have already made some things, including pepper jelly

Spiritual Living
Studying the Bible More (we just recently finished reading the Bible in a year together, and hope to incorporate another reading plan this year.)      Continuing reading and studying
Continue Devotions at the Dinner Table            Doing these but not consistently

No Distractions
Less TV/Computer time                                  Recently, I cutout facebook, I am back on but limited                     

Renewing our Mind
Reading both for education and pleasure        Have read several books lately

Replenishing Family Relationships
Family Nights (fishing, movie nights, etc.)    Did a lot through the summer, hoping to do more during 

Authentic Missional Ministry                         More on this soon
Equipping our congregation move toward God and service to others.   We want to be more intentiona
Using Our resources wisely.                           Working on this
Decluttering storage rooms.                             Never ending!  



Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Crazy Comes Out in My Kids When Daddy Is Away

Does that seem to always happen to you? We have chosen not to put our children in childcare during the summer. Partly because we are gone for a lot of it, but mostly because it is so expensive! But when one parent is away, it can really make you rethink the no summer care decision! So what usually happens when one parent is away you ask. My kids go crazy. ( I have learned this happens more when daddy is away. When I am away they are perfect little angels...what is that about?) So how do I fix the situation? Thursday was a prime example, of crazy kid behavior. Daddy was heading out of town, so we waited to see him off. I had a few things to finish at the office, but not without moaning and groaning to leave. So I packed up my things, and made an office at McDonald's. Free Wi-fi is my friend! The kids could play while I checked emails, and finished reports. Plus unlimited refills :). While its not optimal, it did allow me to get a few things done. In hindsite, I should have taken a picture, I was in uniform to boot. I was probably the subject of many stares, but I was too busy drinking my coke and eating the new smore's pie (yes, it is really good!) Friday was a tad trickier. Programs had to be printed, and that has to be done in the office. I had to break our "no video game on the week day" rule, so I could get a few things done. I managed to stay until 11 am before I couldn't stand one more drawer being opened. We packed up and managed to squeeze errands to the post office and grocery store in. Thankfully neighborhood friends saved the day. I was able to work a little bit on my sermon and mow the grass! (It was becoming the jungle of the neighborhood...again) Saturday a trip to camp was just the break we needed. Camp staff was coming home, so we left early to let the kids enjoy camp before packing the staff up and bringing them home. Although very whiney, we managed to make it home in the mini-van with five of us, and a summer's worth of luggage for two teenagers. Even a bike! (Why am I not taking pictures of all of this hilarity?) We will see what next week holds. I will be sure to use my camera! It should be a funny sight.

Monday, July 9, 2012

By Golly...I've found it...

For the last year, I have been craving a simpler lifestyle.  One with less clutter, less mess, and less distraction.  I didn't have a name for it, but I knew what I wanted.  Then I came across the word minimilist.  When I looked it up, it encompassed everything I have been striving for!  With less stuff comes more time for Faith, Family, and Friends.  (not to mention, more space!)  The things that are most important in my life. 

Most recently, in my quest for less distraction, I decided to leave facebook.  I was spending way too much time on there.  Although it has been an awesome way to connect with friends and corps members, I just knew I needed a break.  I have felt God calling me to a life free of clutter.  Facebook was one of those things clogging up my life.  I want more time with my family, and more importantly with God.  Perhaps one day I will return, but for right now, I have peace knowing that this is what I am supposed to do.  Who knows, maybe I will have more time to write about the things I love on here.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter...(and I like my hair too!)

I love this picture of J and I taken around Mother's Day 2012


P and J posing for their mom after school ended! 

It is hard to believe that the kids start back to school in just four weeks!  (My husband is shouting the hallelujahs!)  For me the summer has flown by.  The kids went to their grandparents for three weeks and now we are headed to camps for the next two.  Although my summer has gone differently than I thought it would, I wouldn't change it for the world.  Their faces here say it all!  They are happy and that is all that matters!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Our New Favorite Thing

Thing 1 checking out the spot!

Thing 2 getting her hook baited...

My favorite smell in the whole world...Honeysuckle

Our new favorite spot

The almost full moon

Greatest Family Night yet!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Officership and Living Simply: Can it be done?

For the last year, I have read and researched about living a simple life.  The idea of cutting out clutter, living a healthier lifestyle, and  less stuff in general appeals greatly to me.  I spent about a month last year going through each room in our house and getting rid of anything that hadn't been used in a year.  In almost every room in my house at this point, I could pack it up in 5 boxes or less.  (Moving 5 times in 10 years does that to someone!)  As an officer our schedules are often crazy.  We don't always have time to even "put our feet up" let alone do what it takes to live simple, because lets face it, it takes work!  But I am tired of being lazy, I want to live intentionally.  I want my kids to enjoy the beauty of this planet!  I want my kids to live lives that are worthy of the Lord.  I want to serve the Lord without distraction.

So here is my Simply Living Bucket List.  Things that I want to do to cut down waste in my house, things that waste our time, or things that waste our bodies.

Healthy Living
Eating Natural foods, less processed (cereals, pastries, chips, etc.)
Buying Local
Plant our own Garden
Better Breakfasts

House Beautiful
Continue going through house (there are still closets and the kids rooms that need to be sorted)
Weekly cleanings

Green Living

Gift Giving
Handmade or buying local

Spiritual Living
Studying the Bible More (we just recently finished reading the Bible in a year together, and hope to incorporate another reading plan this year.)
Continue Devotions at the Dinner Table

No Distractions
Less TV/Computer time

Renewing our Mind
Reading both for education and pleasure

Replenishing Family Relationships
Family Nights (fishing, movie nights, etc.)  These things don't cost much at all

Authentic Missional Ministry
Equipping our congregation move toward God and service to others.
Using Our resources wisely.
Decluttering storage rooms.

I am sure this will change from time to time.  I know there will be months, like Christmas that will be harder than other times, but I truly believe that God is calling us as a family to be good stewards of what He has given us, and wants us to not be distracted by the world around us.  I believe that this can definitely work as an officer, but I just have to live intentionally.  Self-discipline and Self-control will play a big role in this. 

Have any of you though about simple living and how it can work when we are leading a ministry.



Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Goals

I like to make goals for the new year, sometimes I make them, sometimes I don't...but I love making lists so here goes.
Things for the kids
~Read more... last year we red Charlotte's Web and they absolutely loved it.
~Play together more...Family Game Night with board games or Active video games with the Wii or      Kinect
~Integrate God's Word more in their lives...I have found a few good books to help with our family devotions. And We hope to allow them to serve more in our ministry.
Being a Good Wife
~Listening more
~Not reacting so much out of anger
~Being a better help mate
Being a Better Officer
~Get organized
~Better communication
~Visit more

Monday, January 9, 2012

What's on my mind...

1.  We have been blessed with two HIGH energy kids and with that causes distractions during the school day.  Both P and J have been diagnosed with ADHD.  With this diagnosis comes many decisions about medication, behavior modification, and education plans.  Most states now allow for an Individualized Education Plan for children that have challenges at school.  This is also known as an IEP. 

We are having a hard time with the school even recognizing that there is a problem, even though they have officially been diagnosed.  If a child's grades are not failing, often times the child will be denied an IEP, even if they are causing other problems in class, or having a difficulty socializing with the kids.  I am wondering if anyone else is having or has had this issue.  I want to make sure that I am doing all that I can for my kids.  I am just incredibly frustrated with the process. 

2.  The kids are back in school.  Maybe normalcy will return somewhat now that we can get back into a routine. Thankfully, I have my momAgenda to keep me organized :).   It's my favorite splurge every year!  I did try to electronically keep my calendar for a while, but there is just something about keeping everything written down. 

3.  Julia's Birthday Party is coming up soon.  This is the first time we are going to have one where we actually invite more than a few friends.   We are going to have it at the gym where she takes gymnastics.  She is more than excited!  :)

4.  I am leaving for Israel in 26 days.  Yes, the Holy Land.  I get more excited by the minute. 

5.  God is doing amazing things in our church.  I sense a spirit of unity and I am so thankful for it.

6.  We have many hurting families in our church...I continue to pray for healing.

7.  My dad's health is failing.  My sister is recovering from a serious injury.  My step-mom is having to take care of so many things.